Chronicon [they/them]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024

  • yeah that’s fair, I was being pretty generous to their excuse. I think their approach is misguided for that reason. We have managed to attract some of those people (global south and poc comrades) just by being principled and having a vibrant community, but it feels like languished without a strong community before the reddit migration and was well, inundated with redditors after the migration. So they may have felt more desperate not to scare off global south comrades (if this is the case though, it clearly led them to making the wrong decision, repeatedly, and putting up with such shitlords probably scares away people you would actually want to have around way more than it could ever really convince the shitlords to change their views)

    Its an unenviable spot to be in though for dess/nutomic, trying to run a general use instance, as leftists, without getting defedded by all the libs but also without utterly compromising your principles. Not having a cohesive base community hurts them a lot IMO

  • In principle this seems cool, but having hexbear-like opinions on most other instances is a short trip to getting banned, and even on hexbear with our limited federation sphere I leave my front page on Local at least 99% of the time because when I change it to All I either see very few non-local posts or run across stuff so dumb I feel pain for having witnessed it (or spammy low quality junk). Some of the FOSS comms I should probably follow but realistically it would just result in me getting nerd sniped constantly by other people’s problems

    Fun fact we also have a custom improved Active sorting algorithm on hexbear, can’t get that anywhere else. Makes Active usable without it getting so stale and without it optimizing for days-long shit-flinging struggle sessions like the default active algo does

  • yeah… I had no opinion of him before this since I browse Local 99.5% of the time, but like you’d think after this long of us being federated he’d be familiar enough with our userbase to know A) that our heart is generally in the right place and B) that doubling down, yelling at us, and civility politics weren’t going to calm people down when he was seen as defending (for no good reason) a guy that had a long history of being shitty to begin with, and now was doing pedophile apologia.

    Going “Um actually, I defended him before the pedophile apologia” rings pretty hollow when he was still being super misogynist before that… Like you gotta at least lead with “this is beyond the pale and he needed to be banned”, if you conspicuously don’t condemn his statements and then go on to try and nitpick everything people are saying because you took it as a personal slight against you, people are going to think you actually might agree with the pedo apologist.

    Like genuinely, if he didn’t get so defensive, and explained how’s moderation policies differ from hexbear’s, and that this user had been given perhaps one or two too many chances because they wanted to give him an opportunity to become a positive part of the community, which often sorely lacks the perspective of global south comrades, I personally would have been satisfied with that (though glad that I stick to hexbear)

  • I didn’t take the train but otherwise same sicko-biker

    None of my friends went with me (one I’d usually go with is getting into the party scene this year instead), but I got a special pride bus pass and ran into someone I’ve done mutual aid work with selling their art. Genuinely a lot of cool radical queer people around (like pretty close to saying “death to america”, not just anti-war activists or radlibs), it was very inspiring. I even bought some punk patches, though I don’t know what I’ll put them on. not sure I can pull off that kind of jacket, but also I kinda want to try it

    There’s so much more I want to share but I don’t want to doxx myself any worse, its pretty city specific. suffice to say while my extremely shy ass didn’t make a lot of new connections, I had a nice time soloing pride and fell more in love with my city/our queer community than ever.

  • Yeah there was a bit of a struggle session/squabble and your admins blocked that comm because people were being mean to them or something?

    this was the initial post:

    The post was eventually removed (after generating a lot of discussion and getting the original user in question banned from

    then there were some follow up posts more focused on two admins that were perceived to have given the original reactionary mod way too much leniency and stood up for him. I think that perceived “targeting of admins” (criticizing them), is what prompted the defed of the_dunk_tank

    Some modlog sleuthing will be necessary if you want to read all the replies back and forth, as our mods removed a lot of the comments made by davel and such for “defending pedophilia” after he got very upset that people were “casually labeling someone a pedophile”

    I still don’t 100% understand what part of this necessitated blocking the_dunk_tank specifically or if that will last. I hope not, but I also don’t think users here were being unreasonable in being upset when they saw a guy with a long history of being shitty taking it beyond the pale, and some admins rather than going “woah shit, guess that guy wasn’t salvageable, sorry”, came after us instead for being too aggressive about how we went after the guy and the admins that had seemingly enabled him. There was one user that may have had a personal grievance against one specific admin, but even if that’s the case I don’t think that invalidates the rest of the genuine issues.

  • I don’t think it would be entirely a bad move for the dems honestly. Not as good as him stepping down earlier ofc, but I think most voters would be like ‘oh thank god’ more than they would be annoyed about the hypocrisy of lying for the last year, and depending on who they replace him with (maybe someone that isn’t a charisma vacuum?) they could maybe win (if the person they pick doesn’t have super glaring weaknesses.)

    It would be a struggle to get name recognition up, but the media does still have a number of months to do it.

    Newsom I think would lose because the rest of the country low key hates california, but he is charismatic compared to the average dem, so maybe he could thread the needle.

    Bernard obviously won’t happen but I feel like he could still pull out a win in the hypothetical where he’s nominated. He’s got a huge head start in the name recognition dept, and I feel like only the most committed hilldawg and warren stans still hold actual animosity towards him. downside is his age.

    Idk if people (even the rubes currently planning on voting for biden) can get excited enough about pritzker but it’d be funny.

    No matter what they do it’s a dice roll but unless they juice biden up in previously unthinkable ways, swapping him out now might somehow be a better option

  • Yeah, knowing people who work in the environmental protection sector (though not at the federal level) it is varying levels of effectiveness, and the high end is still often like “would you pwease consider not polluting pwease” 95% of the time, even when they have the resources and authority to issue fines and such. But gutting all regulatory authority will absolutely make things worse, first for the people that can’t afford to be nimbys (and eventually for everyone)

    On the worse end I’ve heard of counties where the staff openly say “yeah we don’t do enforcement”. They go, they do their little inspections, and then they sit on their hands.