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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Oh no, Proton is not just “WINE with extra steps”, Proton is the directX to Vulkan translator, and unlike previous attempts, its so good that some games perform better than on Windows. Not to mention that Valve managed to solve the problems around anti-cheats and all of this works with minimal tweaking. If it were as simple as you say, somebody should’ve already done their own proton before Valve, also, in this case there were no community forks of it, that allows to use its power without the need to launch Steam (https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/wine-ge-custom). And yea, Proton is FOSS. Nice of them, to make a revolution and then just let the people actually have it, don’t you think? If, for example, Take Two were like this, most of modern games could’ve had beautiful procedural character animations powered by Euphoria engine.

    The point is that DRM is unethical. I refuse to pay for anything that contains DRM. Breaking it is illegal, requires special skills and sometimes it’s very difficult even for experts…

    DRM is unethical indeed, yet, to use them or not is the choice of the dev. Ban modern DRMs today and what you’ll achieve is that companies will try to squirm around and use something even more dirty. Also DRMs are already not the shittiest malware big companies trying to install on your machine, it would be anti-cheat. Why noone talks obout them? There are methods to detect cheaters without installing a rootkit spyware on all the end-users PCs.

    …That’s exactly why we need to get rid of proprietary software - so that developers don’t have power over users. I also think that piracy should exist, but it doesn’t solve our issues with software freedom. Nobody should restrict what people can do with their software and their computers.

    Lol. Sorry, but the games and DRM are not why. The most important reason to it is that we’re losing proprietary software’s technologies. Technologies that might help advace our modern day of living. Also because what they’re restricting is basically a knoledge, and knowledge shoud be free, not because your poor ass can’t own their games.

    And Proton is the example that Valve contributes to FOSS community, unlike literally every other major game company, even CDPR.

    Thats not even all of it to why i stand on my point, Steam prices are also the most humane, especially if we mention all this bunch of sales steam is famous for. They were there from the beginning, even though they could’ve done something similar to PSN in terms of pricing policy, given that steam was and still kinda is de-facto monopoly, since other game stores on pc have only the fractions of steam’s profits at the most.

  • That’s why I said “one of the fairest” and not “the fairest one”. There’s a whole lot of what steam does and other companies won’t ever do, for instance, Proton. I am forever thankful for it especially, since it motivated me to give linux the second chance. Not to say, that this particular technology turned the whole OS table around.

    Steam is not perfect by any means, but people behind it offering quite a fair deal both for the devs and especially for customers. There’s basically no alternatives, bc steam has so much more to it than just storing your game library and being a game vendor.

    On a page of every game that is sold on Steam, you will see text that says “Buy”. But I’m pretty sure their ToS says that you are only renting games from them. So they are misleading their users.

    Not actually owning games sucks, but find me a digital marketplace that doesn’t say that you’re only “renting” them or some other bullshit. Steam doesn’t call it renting, rather, I quote, “As a Subscriber you may obtain access to certain services, software and content available to Subscribers or purchase certain Hardware”, where the subscriber is the word to call any user that has a steam account, nothing less nothing more: “You become a subscriber of Steam (“Subscriber”) by completing the registration of a Steam user account.” https://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement/#1

    Basically, this wording is a backdoor for them, in case their servers will be shut down and they won’t be physically able to provide any game files. Yes, it opens some ways to exploit this, but unlike some other companies like Ubisoft, Valve never seem to use it this way. Also, torrents do exist, and guess what, they’re DRM free, just as you like it, I assume. That’s actually exactly why they should exist, imo: to preserve things.

  • Finally, a someone with somewhat actually thought through opinion, not any ideological maximalist.

    My main take is that capitalism is a shitty, yet reliable system that actually works through ages. I think that pure socialism is still too revolutionary.

    What you said in your second paragraph is actually how I think about it. An engineering task. And in general, your opinion is something I can agree with.

    P.S. I think, when social networks like lemmy will take over the corporative ones, we could discuss about socialistic revolution. All this fediverse thing kinda shows to people that you can be both non-profit and successful at the same time. Until then, we have what we have.

  • А ведь похоже на правду. С какой стороны только обо всём этом не думал, а к такой мысли не приходил. Забавно.

    Но, увы, куда теперь от них деться?

    В эпоху-то пост правды и информационных пузырей? Было бы желание. Тот же ютуб выдаёт мне исключительно контент на угодные мне же темы. Как ты можешь догадаться, политики среди оных нет.

    Может, после какой-то отметки сам разум отстраняется от восприятия реальности которую не может вынести, и всё скатывается в подобное мракобесие.

    Ну не на пустом же месте целый термин появился - “doomscrolling”.

    В удивитильное время живём, чё

    *Делает глоток балтики*

  • Это ахуенно, как влепить тысячу плюсов?

    Кстати, до сих пор охуеваю от военного гуро и обывательского отношения к нему. Насколько же нынче легко обесчеловечить человека другой идеологии. И это говорю я - украинец, ратующий за победу своих соотечественников, вообще-то. Люди будто-бы застряли в двадцатом веке, когда на политическом уровне идеологии ещё что-то значили, а не были пустым трёпом.

    *Наносит грим, принимает Беломор и балтику. Закуривает. После пары затяжек открывает балтику, делает с пол десятка глотков, после чего шумно выдыхает.*

    Концептуализация [Легко: Провал] - Теперь ты оффициально стал думером. Назад дороги нет. Теперь ты должен, *ты обязан* посмотреть все фильмы с Райаном Гослингом.

  • CheesyFox@lemmy.worldtoLeftism@lemmy.worldDon't be afraid of yourself
    10 months ago

    lol, text me when you feel like actually discussing the topic, because now all you’re trying to appeal to is emotions, not actual arguments. What you’re trying to do is called a demagogy. I came here to discuss the topic with people that are here for exact same reason as me, not to masturbate on my/their own ego.

    this time i’ll pretend that you haven’t proven to be immature demagogist only trying to insult your opponent. If this continues, you’ll be ignored as someone who can’t say anything significant though.

    Oh, you don’t have to - we can see for ourselves that it’s working perfectly. The rich are getting richer and the contemptible poors are getting poorer - as intended.

    Whole my point was about the fact that we can make the rich to disappear as a class, even though it will take some time.

    Blah, blah, blah… do you apologists have anything other than your pathetic (and thoroughly debunked) “human nature” fig leaf to hide behind?

    And do you? Because humans are flawed, that’s fact. It’s completely fine, but untill they won’t, socialism won’t be the way socium naturally goes, therefore it will be by definition weaker than what we have now, ergo, it just won’t last. Untill you find a workaround for all such fundamental issues, your ideology continue to be a pure fantasy.

    Weren’t you appealing to the “human nature” fallacy just a while ago?

    Is it now “human nature” to have a job, too? What are the people who don’t have jobs, Clyde? Defective, eh? Perhaps… subhuman, maybe?

    It is in human nature to be a part of society. If a grown man doesn’t have a job he’s basically an outsider. Maybe for you it will sound wild, but to have a job is to be a functional human. And given the modern day diversity and acessibility of education and jobs, i guess the guys have failed to fit in the society. It’s unfortunate and we need to think how make so there will be less people falling into this deathtrap, but i don’t see how socialism solves this problems. The homeless ones won’t become functional if they recieve a house, there should be a difficult process of their rehabilitation starting with psychological consultations for the least. They’re not subhuman, simply a poor lads in a bad situation. It’s all just not as simple as anybody would like to thik of it.

    Anyway, you really haven’t thought of anythig better than to call your opponent a nazi? How unoriginal of you.

    “Improving” capitalism, eh? So the poor aren’t poor enough for your tastes, eh?

    you can continue to ignore what i say, and disprove the arguments you have imagined out of thick air, but i doubt you’ll convince anyone in your opinion that way, because it’s even more unoriginal demagogical move than calling your opponent a nazi. It’s calle strawman fallacy, and it just convinces everyone that your point is immature.

    Wish you a good evening.

  • oh look! The “radicalistic hater” is there!

    Go ask all the homeless people how their “personal objectives” are being treated.

    Never claimed our current system is perfect. I dare you to ask homeless people how they lost their homes though. Lots of them were fooled by their own relatives, and a revolution totally won’t fix it. Also ask them why doesn’t most of them have any job.

    I don’t know what would fix our greed and ego, which is essential to do, because socialism, the radical one, relies on altruism, and this is the main issue here: you be the most altruistic person ever, you’ll still get tired, feel underappreciated, lose your interest in the job you’re doing, in other words, you’ll still feel unjust, and lots of other people will feel that way. And that’s where it will start to crumble.

    Also, dear centrist hater, what ideology should i follow? The socialism seem to be a utopian power-fantasy, capitalism is inhumane coprorative pile of shit. Everybody hates dictatorship, but democracy in its’ current state is just as messed. So in order for dictatorship to work, a genius guy should be sitting up there; in order for democracy to work, it should be a small amount of people, so it will be possible to moderate corruption and other shenanigans. The entire political compass is a huge pile of shit, my friend. That’s why whatever the current ideology is, is the one I actually support: it is simply the way of lesser blood. Given that some adjustments will be made (i would dare to say it will be sooner than later) and the system will become to be actually not that bad, also as it will be the point from which some even further movement to the left could be made, after a few generations pass. Untill then, folk’s mindset is not apropriate for socialism, and therefore it won’t work.

    To summarize, there’s no point in “fighting capitalism with socialism”, because there is far more optimal wa, of making everyone’s life better by actually improving capitalism with socialism.

  • CheesyFox@lemmy.worldtoLeftism@lemmy.worldDon't be afraid of yourself
    11 months ago

    Socialism can be good, true, but don’t forget that it tends to care about the people as a uniform mechanism, and not as a set of individuals, hence it’s called socialism, and so it values global objectives alot more than the personal ones. Results of this fact can be somewhat dystopian, as the USSR has demonstrated. I know that USSR wasn’t a pure socialism, and many of their faults were made just because of, for example, poor management and constant lack of time, I simply want any person of any radical ideology to concider its imperfections, an that the ideal is always a bit closer to the middle of the ideological spectrum. Also, this facebook images are cringe.