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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 5th, 2024


  • There’s a principle in alcoholics support groups called “fake it til you make it”.

    Fake is a sort of meaningless word. You are the sum of your own choices, throughout your life. There is no such thing as some sort of “true” you that is inherent and unchangeable, all of your attitudes, emotions, likes/dislikes are like clothes you wear. They can be changed with a pattern of choices that fall under your overarching will.

    It’s not easy, though, not by a long shot. So, one technique is to fake it til you make it. Pretend at first, fake whatever trait you are trying to establish. You’ll find over time your willpower turns that into the new “true you”. You can change various aspects of yourself, it’s all under your power.

    It’s a hell of a steep hill to climb alone though, so you might want some help along the way. Addiction support groups serve this purpose for people trying to get past their addictions. You might need some pharmaceutical assistance though, if you have a chronic problem, so a doctor might be a wise move.

  • The Green Berets are the army’s spec ops that focus on training foreign fighters, specially chosen for things like foreign language proficiency. They’re not Rangers or general light infantry. Ideally they’re not really supposed to get into direct combat, as they’re rather time consuming and difficult to replace.

    I would bet a whole bunch of money that we actually do have Green Berets present in Ukraine as well, though the only people that would know that for sure would be the US govt, the Ukrainians and probably Russian intelligence.

    If the 101st Airborne gets deployed to Taiwan, then I’d be worried.

  • President Joe Biden is set to announce new China tariffs as soon as next week targeting strategic sectors including electric vehicles, solar panels and steel.

    So, are Teslas manufactured in Elon’s Shanghai plant also subject to the tariffs? If so, ouch.

    Also, wtf is with the English usage? “China medical supplies”? “China” is a noun, not an adjective. I mean, I think an actual Chinese person with a couple years of HS English study would have gotten that correct…