CarbonScored [any]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • This guy: “the brakes didn’t work!”

    Your arguments: “brakes normally do work; he didn’t speak to a higher up; the brake lights didn’t come on; he may not be correct about what his back wheels did; he didn’t steer the way I would have”. None of which are contrary to the possibility that the brakes didn’t work. I’m not sure how you jump from A to B here.

    It’s definitely impossible to know at this stage whether this incident was caused by the truck or the driver. But there are a concerning number of claims about the failure of cybertrucks’ brakes considering how few of them are actually out there.

  • Why the heck do people my age and younger all universally use phones for everything? It sucks.

    Just browsing on a phone alone weirds me out. I work in tech, my phone is fairly modern and sizeable, I’m not even that old, but I simply can’t get on with it.

    • Phones are almost always slow to load, ugh
    • 95% of people don’t use Firefox + Adblock so it’s full of shitty ads and I don’t even know how to use the internet with ads anymore
    • Touchscreens are never precise enough to touch small buttons (and I have dainty fingers),
    • So many sites have a ‘mobile-friendly’ version that often lacks functionality I need. A big percent of website visits on my phone require me to use ‘Desktop mode’.
    • Typing into stuff requires the on-screen keyboard, which takes a minimum 40% of the screen, so I can’t see and type at the same time.
    • Screen tiny.

    I do browse on my phone, but holy hell do I hate it. Why does anyone prefer it ever when there’s a choice? Is it just because I have a dedicated ergonomic desktop setup? But even then I’d prefer using my laptop on my bed any day of the week before being confined to my phone.

    And don’t get me started on using any mobile OS other than Lineage. The amount of undisableable notifications makes me cry.

  • Just for interesting edification, here’s the best translation of one banner I could get:

    “조선로동당의 혁명적 군사정치는 미제침략자들을 소멸시킬 것이다!”

    Breaking it down:

    • 조선로동당의 (Joseon Rodongdang-ui): “Korean Workers’ Party’s”
    • 혁명적 (hyeongmyeongjeok): “revolutionary”
    • 군사정치는 (gunsajeongchineun): “military politics”
    • 미제 (mije): “American imperialism” (shortened form)
    • 침략자들을 (chimryakjadeul-eul): “aggressors”
    • 소멸시킬 (somyeolsikil): “will annihilate”
    • 것이다 (geos-ida): “(it) is” (declarative ending)

    A fairly literal translation

    “The revolutionary military politics of the Korean Workers’ Party will annihilate the American imperialist aggressors!”