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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Fair, but now that they’re using USB-C that’s a temporary thing.

    Also most people don’t need USB 3 speeds on their phones anyway because they don’t really plug them into anything that will take advantage of those speeds.

    I realize some people do, and for those people the pro is the answer to that.

    It seems like you just keep moving the goalpost to keep having a reason to hate Apple.

  • lol the difference is I actually try and gain outside perspective while you stay here in your safe instance to troll anyone who dares have a different opinion.

    Which I’m sure is exactly how the powers that be want us to view each other, rather than as peers.

    If you actually gave as much of a shit as you and your fellow hexbear users seem to have upon first glance you would have noticed already.

  • Corruption is the system. The system is working as intended.

    Corruption is also the problem.

    Are you having that much trouble understanding?

    The powers that be exist only because we allow them to. So yes, I blame the people for not being more aware of what’s going on and voicing their outrage of it.

    Let’s move on to something more constructive please. What do you propose as a solution?