• 18 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 7th, 2024


  • Yeah, she’s been great. Her and my other kitten are getting along great as well! They play and nap together without any major issue. My main concern is that Bou is about a month behind Niniane in development, so she gets manhandled a fair bit when they roughhouse. Not just on size, but Nini has started climbing on furniture and stalking around the apartment when I got Bou, who couldn’t even walk in a straight line. But they take turns pouncing and chasing each other without issue. At this point i only intervene when Niniane is blocking Boudica into a litter box. I want to establish those as a safe space

  • Yeah, that’s one of the drawbacks of living in a semi-rural city in Ohio. Niniane’s mom was a barn cat though, so i i figure she was exposed to worse when i got her. Her mom’s owner only put the bare minimum into preventative care for the cats since coyotes are such a big problem around here. Meanwhile the stray was a “city” cat, so I don’t think she was exposed to anything Nini wasn’t already exposed to. I’ll keep an eye oit for worms in the litter box, but the stray was probably only slightly more at risk for something nasty than Nini was when i got her. Either way, I’ll know in a couple weeks.