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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Don’t.

    Okay, that could easily be misinterpreted. What I mean is don’t look for one. Live your life. Get to know yourself. Find some hobbies, start some projects, do some cool shit. Not as a resume for a relationship, just to do it and be fulfilled. You don’t need to find someone right this moment.

    The worst relationship I ever had was because I was young and lonely and bored and I ended up dating someone who nearly destroyed my life and dominated everything about it. Took 5 years to get away from it. Subsequent relationships suffered, though not because my partners were awful, I just wasn’t worth dating.

    At some point, I just got tired of it and “retired” from dating. I took care of myself, did things that interested me, and relaxed for a few years. Just me. I got really happy just being with myself. Then, my best friend of nearly 20 years and I ended up starting a thing nearly on accident, and now (a few years later) we’re very happily married. Absolutely would not have been possible unless I’d spent the time to figure myself out.

  • I disagree with the overall substance of your argument.

    Sure, if you’ve already designed something on paper and want to feed numbers in and get a part, CAD is clearly superior. I don’t work that way.

    I will use (and recommend) the tools that have the least friction for me. I would not increase the time and headache to complete a project just because someone else thinks another workflow is better. I don’t need CAD because 3D printing tolerances are not that tight. Some people need/want CAD because that’s the only kind of tool they’ve used to make 3D objects, and that’s low friction for them. That’s cool too.

    I’m suggesting Blender here in case someone (OP or a passer-by) hadn’t considered it, and didn’t realize that it’s up to the task of creating 3D printable objects. It definitely can, I’ve done it dozens of times, even with matching measurements against existing parts (which - it occurs to me now - is most of what I’ve done).

    Also, I exclusively use Blender VSE for video editing. Mostly because it’s the best free/open-source option I’ve tried, and I don’t need to add another tool to my workflow. I never really liked the Adobe suite, and most non-adobe tools try to cosplay as them. It’s a lesser form of a thing I already didn’t like.

  • I was just posting in another thread about how I remade the armrest of my Traveler Guitar to be more comfortable. The one it comes with is super uncomfortable to me, so I redesigned it to be shaped more like a Squier. Images here .

    All I really needed was some cardboard, some calipers, and Blender. Though, to get the measurements just so, I had to make a bunch of little virtual rulers (the yellow strips). In CAD, you wouldn’t need those since the measurements are described directly in the process of making the part.

  • I mean, lack of consensus notwithstanding, the logic tree should be pretty simple;

    • Employer demands secure device

      • Employee has one personally and is willing to use it for work

        • Employer allows use of personal device

          • Problem solved
        • Employer isn’t comfortable with BYOD, provides a device

          • Employee accepts the new device

            • Problem solved
          • Employee doesn’t accept the device, can’t do their job, is fired

            • Problem solved
      • Employee either doesn’t have one, or refuses to use their own

        • Employer provides one

          • Problem solved
        • Employer refuses to provide one

          • Employee realizes the company sucks, quits

            • Problem solved
          • Employer gets shitty about it, fires the employee, employee sues and easily wins

            • Problem solved
    • updated for more scenarios

  • In no particular order;

    • Detecting “installed” software is iffy. Linux can have all kinds of things running on it that aren’t “installed” as-such (same as Windows with portable EXEs, Linux has AppImage/etc). Excepting things like that, you can detect installed apps through the package managers (apt/pkg/yum/snap/etc).
    • OS updates in Debian-likes and Redhat-likes are controllable out of the box, but I’m not familiar with a way to prevent a user from doing them (other than denying them root access, which might make it hard for them to use the system, depending on what they need to do).
    • I’ve had a lot of good results with OpenVPN.
    • lol antivirus. Not saying Linux doesn’t get viruses, or that there arent antiviruses for Linux, but the best way to avoid getting them is still to just avoiding stupid shit. Best thing I can offer is that if you have some kind of centralized storage, check that for compromised files frequently, and keep excellent backups. And make sure your firewalls and ACLs don’t suck.