AfterthoughtC - he/ him

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 1st, 2024


  • A thought experiment that came to my head: Say in an alternate timeline Biden is more or less the same or ‘okay’ on other issues but the ‘single issue’ is something else. The Israel-Palestine war either does not happen during his term or he gives a way more convincing 'anti-'genocide response. Instead he is either super pro-life or super transphobic. If the former alternate Biden actively works with republicans to pass bills to restrict abortion access and calls pro-choice protestors who get beaten up pro-baby murder. If the latter alternate Biden actively works with republicans to pass bills to criminalise trans people, calls trans-supportive parents and teachers child molestors and claims Rowling etc. are victims of cancel culture. How would liberals justify this as the lesser evil?

  • Pokemon Emerald Z. Decent fakemon romhack that is not super difficult like Altair/ Sirius/ Vega.
    Pokemon Unbound and Gaia for new region hacks.
    I also have kind of a soft spot for Pokemon Glazed and Giratina Strikes Back. Mainly because they came out at a time when pokemon romhack game balance and stories were awful. Meanwhile Glazed was just a regular get all eight badges story while Giratina Strikes Back at least had some semblance of level scaling/ balance/ no Lv 80 vs your own Lv 40 pokemon bosses.

  • A few years ago a christian organisation in US did a poll on how aware the christian population was on the church’s teachings or something like that. MoBlack (anarchist-communist anime blogger that wrote many Medium articles breaking apart Shield Hero) pointed out that while people generally answered questions regarding sex and abortion ‘correctly’ (as in they were aware of the church’s stance), when it came to things like “are children born innocent” (correct answer: No. All children are born with original sin because Adam and Eve ate the fruit.) only like 30% could match the church’s stance.
    The conclusion he came to was that the super religious people are not actually super religious. They are just very political about their religion.

  • Zionist are just extremely disingenuous. I read Innuendo Studio’s curious cat and every Israel apologist there just talks like they are trying to get him in a gotcha. Some examples that come to mind:
    -Keep accusing him of wanting to exterminate Israel or being in the ‘Israel should not exist’ camp when his stand has always been ‘Israel should stop being an aparthied and grant equal rights to Palestinians’
    -Accusing him of comparing Jews to nazis (more often than not is other curious cat askers on his page that are comparing Israel, not the Jews, to the nazis). Every time he says ‘Israel is conducting genocide’ these hasbara brigaders jump to accusing him of calling Jews Hitler.
    -I remember one user who after Innuendo Studios said that Israel should stop being an ethnostate/ aparthied was like ‘oh so you support soft genocide where one race mixes with another to eventually produce offspring who dont resemble their parents’. When he called this mindset out as nazi shit they, predictably, accused him of calling Orthodox Jews nazis.
    -Inventing bullshit hypothetical scenarios that are not happening right now. Like wrt the Ansar Allah blockade one asker was like ‘would you still support them if they were nazis’. Basically what he called Values-Neutral Governance in the You Go High, We Go Low Alt-Right Playbook video.