Job hunting sucks. Got rejected for the one I was posting about after 3 interviews, but I did find a pet care company that needs a project manager. Had a screening call with them yesterday, hope to hear back soon!

Trying not to get too down or worry about things too much.

Whats some cool shit you have going on? Im hanging outside with the pup playing on my Retroid rn

  • MovingThrowaway [none/use name]
    1 month ago

    Best of luck, doing the same thing rn. Hope you get the call back!

    Love that I have my resume posted on indeed, then have to fill it out again on each employer’s website, then again in writing before an interview, then go over all the same info verbally for every person at the company one at a time.

    Bright side is the public transit in Chicago is so much better than anywhere I’ve ever lived before, so that’s been cool to check out.