its just Ethiopian food (which is good), Caribbean food is the best in the world, and black southern food is pure happiness. we need to send an envoy the the chinese people lol. its still nice they like the Ethiopian food they say its fun and chaotic like the weekend. ill take it!

    1 year ago

    Due to the historical trading and migrational nature of black history, Black food heavily varies. Some cultures like in some parts of east Africa have trade routes and cuisines that share some simularities to Indian cuisine. Blacks who migrated to the Americas have cuisine based on the region they lived in, be it the American south, the various islands in the Carribean or elsewhere.

    Black food heavily takes influence to whomever they had trade with, or in context of the America, which colonial power. Its why Cajun and Haitian Cuisine has a French influence, American south with well, American influence, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic with Spanish influence, and any coastal African port countries following the Portuguese trade route have Portugese and Indian (as India was the intended destination spot) influence, mixed with whatever local population there is on said area.

    Its hard to describe black food in a general sense because that answer is, it depends. Its like trying to generalize Chinese food when different regions in china have their own style, where sichuan food is spicy, Xian food tends to be more warming(due to colder climate), what most people think of when they say Chinese food is Guangdong/Cantonese food.