think-mark kim-drip

  • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    yeonmi-park North Koreans are not allowed to possess or consume western media. They and their entire families will be put in hard labor camps if any are caught with it.

    skilled IT and tech workers

    Animators are now “skilled IT and Tech Workers”. So skilled snd controlled they had a ‘misconfigured server’. Who is to say this “North Korea stink tank” didn’t plant the evidence or know where to look. Why are they attempting to espionage a foriegn nation anyways? Do we want them probing our servers and planting shit?

    analyze the findings along with Google-owned security firm Mandiant

    What the fuck are you doing even owning that Google? Just an arm of the MIC now eh?

    Mandiant is an American cybersecurity firm and a subsidiary of Google. It rose to prominence in February 2013 when it released a report directly implicating China in cyber espionage.

    Was it planted, made up, or does Jeff Bezos need to be gui-better for high treason? hahaha

    Idk this just sounds like someone made-it-the-fuck-up

    youre-awful AUKUS needs justification for more billions.

    US propaganda is getting so lame. Just recycled bullshit so predicable it’s a fucking joke.

    so-far SIMPONS DID IT