Image of a post by spicymemesanddepression:

Literally any marginalized person: We’d like to have some rights please.

Cishet white men:
picture from Sealab cartoon of a white male character with the caption:
“They’re gonna hunt me for sport?”

    1 year ago

    No, it doesn’t. Although I (a cishet white man) am against the marginalization of people, I also understand that real social change can be agonizingly slow. Cishet white men are going to continue to hold a disproportionate share of power for a while yet.

    Over generalization is a tool of the enemy. There are plenty of ways to make a point without alienating large groups of people, many of whom aren’t against you. For example, in the above meme, change “cishet white men” to “social conservatives”. The point is the same. If anything, it’s more accurate.