New York’s deployment of the National Guard on public transit is ludicrous and dystopian.

    6 months ago

    This is weird. I think my local transit needs some kind of police protection on actual transit and at the stations…but I don’t think I would feel safer if they had rifles. Our issue is thieves mugging people, and people on drugs going out of their minds. There have been a couple stabbings and one lady was pushed onto the train tracks. There have been assaults on the train, and our city busses too.

    We have security at some of the stations, but they only call the police. They don’t get involved. The crime is already committed and done before police arrive. So on one hand, I feel like some places could use added security on their public transport. But on the other hand I don’t think this is exactly the way to go about it either.

    I would rather see solutions to the root of the problems (wealth disparity being a major one) rather than trying to play a game of whack a mole