• RadButNotAChad@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I bet the families that could finally get health insurance because pre existing conditions were finally forced to be covered feel different. I bet the kid who outgrew their prosthetic legs and couldn’t get new ones because they reached their lifetime coverage before they turned 18 feels different. I bet the kids who grew up here but were considered ‘illegal’ (imagine being illegal just by existing somewhere) felt relief when they didn’t have to worry about being sent to a country they never visited or were connected to felt different?

      Again, one party wants to protect my LGBTQ friends, wants health care for all, wants to raise taxes on the wealthy to protect and improve social programs, wants to create free education and remove the debt of college from those who have it, and one party doesn’t.Cry that I’m a Zionist, but if all other things are the same, I know which party I support. I also find it hilarious that I’ve proven you factually wrong many times and you make the claim I will look foolish and that I have made no defense.

        • RadButNotAChad@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          They couldn’t have passed healthcare for all because they didn’t have the votes. Remember, they needed 60. So they compromised and moved in the right direction. Also, in 2009 there wasn’t such an open hate for the LGBTQ community. States were legalizing gay marriage, and the defense of marriage act was overturned eventually also. It’s only the last few years that the hate rhetoric has been turned up. A lot of things changed for a lot of people. And they did raise taxes. Guess what was undone in 2016 by the Republicans who are so the same as the democrats. You’re unwilling to see it because you’re afraid of admitting you’re wrong regardless of how many times I’ve proven it. All you can do is scream the word Zionist over and over like a play-acting intellectual in between bouts of being demonstrably wrong

            • RadButNotAChad@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Ultimately to get the votes for Obamacare they agreed on a mandate that required people to have health insurance, but part of the negotiation was there could be no public option and they would have to purchase from a private insurance company but the insurance companies could not have exceptions for pre-existing conditions and could not have a maximum lifetime payout. That last sentence is what made it all worth it. And while there were people hostile to LGBTQ people, it was not like it is now. I find it amazing that everytime I come with receipts you just claim that I have nothing, but have offered zero counterpoints.