angry-place I can’t say no to Bibi.

  • Wheaties [she/her]
    9 months ago

    Trump will promise just about anything, but he has very little will to actually pursue policy. Either his base has to actively and repeatedly holler their support for something, like the wall; or some functionary in his administration has to do the work themselves. I don’t know about this specifically. Maybe it’s one of those things he just says and moves on, maybe this becomes a core policy position. It’s really up in the air.

    Oh. I’m so sorry. I think I’ve just lathed the worst outcome: He wins; the media cycle has moved on and nobody in his administration cares about this as a policy goal. Until. The Democrats very publicly and very loudly chastise young and moslem voters for his victory, and point to this specifically. Trump starts talking about it again… I’m sorry.