the guy’s ex girlfriend who he had a kid with just called up my extremely not wealthy family asking for money to send the kid to a good school. she will not get a cent from my brother and she knows that, which is why she’s asked us.

my family live in south africa and do not get paid a lot in their respective jobs in retail and hospitality, so me being the only one who lives in hell island the impetus seems to be on me to pay for it

like yeah it would be fucking great for me to afford this, but my rent per month costs more than a term at this school and including bills it’s double.

i’m not left with much at the end of the month and now it’s going to be even tighter and i’m just so fuckin pissed off at this guy who does all this shit without a single thought to the consequences. he phoned my sister and ranted about how my family won’t give him the money to go and see his kid (she and the mom live abroad).

bro you are literally 33 years old pay for it yourself, you’re clearly not paying for anything else. I’m not angry at the kid, it’s not her fault and she needs a good education but i’m going to knock my brother out the next time i see him