In the past I have used Reddit and Twitter as my main news aggregators, but obviously those are going down the toilet. What are some good places to go to get some good news? (aside from here of course!)

    1 year ago

    I personally really like Naked Capitalism, which though it is not communist per se, all the writers are very skilled and the guest posts are very good indeed. Sometimes the posts are more complex economic theory, but in general it’s very approachable; and the daily “links” post is an excellent aggregate of general news on all sorts of topics, and the commenters there are not braindead but extremely insightful (for example, Michael Hudson comments there every now and again).

    For military things I like b from Moon of Alabama, he’s not left-wing exactly but he seems to be a fellow traveler sometimes. Cory Doctorow has good tech insights in Pluralistic. Michael Roberts has good marxist analysis of markets, especially focused on falling rate of profit.

    On geopolitical/military things some right-wing sources are quite decent, if you can ignore the bullshit (mostly inane ravings on gender and wokeness), like Simplicius or Andrei Martyanov. Big Serge also has eventually some very good breakdowns of war stuff, but most of his posts are paywalled.

    I’d mostly just check out Naked Capitalism’s daily links pages and then pick and choose whatever interesting websites catch your eye there.