For example, if you insist on buying Advil instead of store brand ibuprofen. I mean, you’d be wasting your money in that example, but you do you

    11 months ago

    Lots of them, yes. But most of them aren’t designed there. And yes, I am aware that there are reputable Chinese brands, but the Chinese genetics are not those.

        11 months ago

        Yes, I meant generics. Spelling on phone keyboards is rather difficult when your thumbs are as wide as mine…

        11 months ago

        Now, is all these news nothing but propaganda?

        Literally yes, not because chinese companies don’t spy on you, literally all companies spy on you. You prove it by linking a video about samsung. Google and Apple do the same shit. The fact that software is riddled with spyware has nothing to do with the hardware being manufactured in China. China isn’t some big bad, moving production elsewhere will change nothing. Lastly you should be far more concerned about western companies spying on you, the ones that cooperate with your local government and leave backdoors in their OS for NSA and the like. What do you think the CCP is gonna do to you? You’re outside of their jurisdiction completely.

        So yes it js just propaganda, in a sense that it’s trying to make you think this kind of behavior is somehow unique to Chinese companies or a result of tech being manufactured in China.

            11 months ago

            especially when you know that that country is heavily invested in cyberwarfare, espionage and censorship.

            Which country isn’t? The US does more spying on its own citizens than China could ever dream of doing. The UK is currently trying to pass a bill to break e2ee.

            Even their constitution states that every Chinese product ( software or hardware ), must send data it collects to the government.

            This is false as far as I know, can you provide a source? China has some of the strictest laws on data protection, you can read more about it here:

            This is like Apple saying your Android spies on you… lol ( I believe they did say that )

            Not sure where you were going with this. My point is you don’t hear any of these concerns raised about any other and as we both agree it’s not something unique to China.

            The real reason why you hear a lot of talk about moving production out of China lately is simply because Chinese manufacurers have narrowed the the gap a lot in terms of chip designs and are becoming an actual threat to western comanies’ profit margins.

                11 months ago

                Linking to the great firewall article is completely nonsensical in this context, and you would be aware of that if you had bothered to open the link in my previous comment.

                just so we on the same page, I’m talking about data is gathered, not whether it’s protected ( legally ) , idc

                Which is exactly what I’m talking about, which you would again know if you read what I linked.

                I’m not a lawyer but I think somewhere in the DSL it mentions data is collected from companies within China and outside

                It doesn’t, what I linked to discusses the very laws you are talking about at length if you are actually interested rather than just spouting nonsense like “it’s in the constitution”.

                Just so we’re on the same page you have no idea about Chinese laws on gathering, processing and handling of data, but you heard it somewhere, repeat it, won’t bother to research further and then claim there’s no propaganda.

                but why is it hard for you to swallow, knowing that US based companies ( with all the power they have, lawyers… Etc ) comply with data collection laws

                Because they don’t. Evidenced by all the fines the EU is handing out to google, meta, etc. You could also look to all the stuff Snowden blew the whostle on. Do you think they just stopped doing mass surveillance on a global level?