• the inflation thing is real stupid. like a tshirt costing $20k or an old 1970s van costing a million. they definitely fucked up the economy and seem to scramble to make monkey sinks for online. i’ll log into the single player to dick around a little and its jarring to “only” have a few hundred K, but then i realize everything is far more normally priced so i’m actually loaded. but nothing in the online game requires the spending of real money. everything can be had with fake game money which can be earned doing cheesy AFK b.s. if you don’t want to invest real time and effort. shark cards are a scam for whales only.

    my chief complaint about the online game is the inclusion of all the extremely stupid futuristic/sci fi BS like the flying rocket that shoots missles and all that sort of b.s. it’s all way too over the top. my second biggest complaint is how prevalent the god mode modding is. but really, the second problem just means its not worth it to buy big expensive weapons, because so many random idiots pretending to play are actually invincible.