Hello friends, the title is mostly self explanatory. I would like to start programming but I also feel like I am not very smart, so I would like a programming language that is easier to grasp than others. That considered I don’t hope to be able to learn something “powerful” but it would be nice to still be able to do some useful things. Something I would love to do is make games, I know those are usually made in C, which is a very difficult one, but maybe some simpler games can be made with other languages.

  • livingcoder@lemmy.austinwadeheller.com
    1 year ago

    My first programming language was QBasic, then Visual Basic, then Java, then C# (most experience with), then C++, then Python, and now Rust. Only when I learned C++ in college did I truly grasp the power of memory management. I think it’s important for new programmers to have some understanding of and experience with pointers, but it doesn’t need to be your first language. I think it’s okay to start with Python or C#, but you’ll want to go back and learn the hard stuff at some point (C++ and then Rust). Python will be super easy to learn the basics (data structures, algorithms, etc.). C# is also a good choice, but has you learning a few more things at the same time you’re trying to learn the basics.