So i have dylexia and autism so im not sure, when i was little i was told i was a creative writter, people could have said that just becasue though. how do you even start writting and what makes an idea worth writting, where do i even begin? i hope to make a book one day or somethign like that maybe even a screenplay or somethign but idk, also feel free to add something if you wish too becasue im kind alost when it comes to life and hobbys. fanfic seems interesting but also cringe so im not too sure as i said also what is the point of writting fanfic.

also sorry if im aksing too many questions about hobbys and such.

    1 年前

    I like to write from time to time, as for whether it’s something you should pick up, I think that’s a question better answered by you. Does the idea of writing sound like a fun one to you? Do you have anything you’re interested in that you might enjoy writing stories about?

    Despite the sort of stigma against fanfiction, in reality, writing fanfiction about a world or character you’re passionate about is a great way to get started. Fanfiction reduces the burden on the writer greatly by providing a large amount of the creative building blocks needed to write a good story. You don’t have to build up a world, the main characters’ personalities and motivations are already established in the main canon for you. If you opt to share that story with an audience, they’re probably going to already be familiar with all of those basics as well.

    That isn’t to say that writing something that will truly captivate people is easy, even in a fanfiction sense. Your challenges in writing an original work differ from that of fanfiction, but the latter is a place where a bunch of fledgling writers get their feet wet into the hobby… which in turn leads to the stigma behind it, since many of those are self-insert fantasies, rather than appealing stories about characters people know and love.

  • Rowin of
    1 年前

    The a fanfic author drops a new chapter my partner is at least as excited as I am when a new video game drops. There is nothing cringe about fanfiction, it is creative writing just as valid as writing a new piece from scratch, just with more context built right in. If you like fanfic then maybe writing it is a good idea for you

    That said, when it comes to writing, reading is the key. Read lots and lots and lots, then write whatever takes your fancy, but never stop intaking new works. All writing is some sort of remixing and that is OK, you just want to have a lot to draw from and then write a lot of bad stuff to learn how to write well.

    1 年前

    If you think it will let you express yourself and feel good, then absolutely go for it. Just start writing. Start small, write a story in just 1000 words, it you like it, keep going.

    1 年前

    If you enjoy it, you absolutely should.

    If you think you may want to publish a book, there are also a ton of resources (free) online to help you write properly. World and character creation, style, etc… It’s very different to write just to enjoy putting your ideas down, than actually building a novel or screenplay.

        1 年前

        There are things like grammarly to help you with your grammar (and a tiny bit of style)

        Many writers and copy editors have YouTube channels and tiktoks with tips and tricks. For example, you can look for how to show instead of tell on YouTube and you’ll see a few.

        Brandon Sanderson has a whole bunch of them on wold creation

        If you decide to ‘train’ with fan fiction, you can give wattpad a try to publish your stories and see how people like them

    1 年前

    I dunno! Try and see if you like it!

    It’s absolutely a useful skill no matter where your life/career takes you.

    To get started, just write about whatever interests you. Could be a diary, or short stories, or fanfic. Doesn’t matter— the goal is to write.

    To get better, two things: read more, and write more. The more you read, the more you’ll absorb of how others write and the more ideas you’ll get. The more you write, the more practice you get.

    Good luck! Have fun!

      1 年前

      To get better, two things: read more, and write more. The more you read, the more you’ll absorb of how others write and the more ideas you’ll get. The more you write, the more practice you get.

      “Just write, finish things, and then start writing the next thing…Just write. Assume that you have one million words inside of you and they’re all rubbish. You need to get them all out.” - Neil Gaiman

    1 年前

    I think writing is worth picking up for sure. It can be quite fun for one, and also I feel that my time spent writing has made it easier for me to organise and sort through my thoughts.

    how do you even start writting and what makes an idea worth writting, where do i even begin?

    I seem to start by riffing off things I’ve absorbed and wanted to expand on - video games, songs, movies, pictures, other stories, etc. etc.

    fanfic seems interesting but also cringe so im not too sure as i said also what is the point of writting fanfic.

    Fanfic is cringe and I think that’s what I love about it: the premise is laid out so I can walk in as a reader knowing what to expect. A well written fic will then add enough spice to make it interesting and comforting all at once.

    what is the point of writting fanfic.

    I feel like the goal of most fanfics is to tell the story in a way that the author felt like it should have been told, either instead of or in addition to how the story was told in the source material.

      1 年前

      I feel like the goal of most fanfics is to tell the story in a way the author felt like it should have bee told

      This exactly! Fanfiction, when it’s not just daydreaming, is opinionated critical analysis (if it’s really engaging with the original story) or turning elemets of it into cultural symbols, which no one thinks is “cringe” when someone does it with old mythology.

      It seems like a lot of ancient cultures often reinterpreted their myths, without much concern about what was “canonical” so long as it was still recognizable.

      Now, though, and I wonder if Abrahamic religion has something to do with this, everyone’s so obsessed about ownership of a story. It’s got to be exactly as the original teller told it or it’s wrong.