i am curious to see what kinds of leftists are here on lemmy

  • MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I think it would be disingenuous to call myself a leftist. I have beliefs pulled from all over, mostly my own experience. I’d consider myself more a spiritual person than political. I have strong views on social issues like criminal justice, capitalism as a whole, and any type of hate. Any.

    I think money and human interaction will never mesh.

    I think humans are ultimately flawed to ever have a perfect system. I think atp we are ultimately fkd long term.

    All I can do is be kind to people day to day and try to be mindful of my own actions and hopefully that rubs off on others.

    I think, as a species, we have a lot of inward reflection to do, as far as how we treat ourselves and others. I’m almost convinced that suffering is just apart of the human experience and is what ultimately makes life what it is. Whether this is just learned behavior is yet to be seen, but we have been playing out this power struggle since the dawn of time, and it is not the way.

    I can only try, in my own way, to alleviate that suffering.

    It’s a slow crawl on the evolutionary ladder, and I’m not quite sure we’re capable of making it. And if we do, it will be with a far less populated planet.

    That’s where I am at, in a nutshell. As far as specific topics, I’d have to take them one at a time as they come, and follow my gut.