I’ve gotten a few DMs from users about them potentially leaving over it.

While i do think the overall statement in the post title is true, I did NOT want to or expect things to go the way they did. Main.

First and foremost, I want to personally apologize to any users that may have been hurt in any way by comments they received or exchanges they had.

I also want to apologize for not keeping a better eye on the comments. As a mod there, I resolve to be better. I made the post, then just handled any reports that came in. Still a few to sort through.

Whomever locked the thread, thank you, I just hopped back on to do that.

So here we are. If anyone has anything to say directly to me, please do. I may not respond immediately due to how things have been going for me offline lately, but as per usual, I basically live here so I am around.

Also I apologize again if this comes off as “me me my feelings.” I get self conscious about that sometimes.

  • happyandhappy [she/her]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    What definition of ‘racism’ discounts race-based prejudice? Honestly question, it seems counterintuitive.


    its just morons reacting to people rightfully shooting back at white people. we’re making fun of the concept of white people and the race realists who take offense at its slander. the main source of the issue here is debatebroism where the annoying users in the thread were trying to thread the needle on something completely unnecessary just to debate.

    if somebody even implies a whiff of "well ackshually berdly-smug " just like ban them or whatever they can make a new account