In a moment of clarity after initially moving forward a deeply flawed piece of legislation, the French National Assembly has done the right thing: it rejected a dangerous proposal that would have gutted end-to-end encryption in the name of fighting drug trafficking. Despite heavy pressure from the...
I find this reassuring. Of course there’s the habit to go left and right (not the political sides, just the directions) at the same time but it is also a way to avoid extrems.
I don’t want to have an All-in vote for all Europ layers and agencies at once with the lobbies of the music influencing what the armies could do.
If a chat control law passes in Europ, it will have to face the right to privacy.
I understand what you mean and can agree with you to some extent. It is good in that it clearly helps to counter extremism.
The problem I see is when a party can be against backdoors when they talk about elections for the country and then vote yes in the EU. Then comes “defense” – now we are no longer talking about the country but the entire EU, and these are two different things.
I also don’t quite understand what you mean by “all-in” voting.
I hope they will take privacy seriously. I don’t think they will. Poland has a new proposal that doesn’t seem to be liked by the Council of Ministers. If chat control goes through, I believe it will break with previous laws and regulations “for the greater good.”