He’s an absolute piece of shit and everything he does is horrible but I find it hard to hate him.

I think the show does an {excellent} job of making him look pathetic and pitiable, maybe there’s something to that overruling the digust I inevitably feel from everything he does or says. He’s definitely someone I never tire of joking about or referrring to as a short hand for senility and capitalism embodied, i dunno, I feel more sad for him. Like its lonely at the top and its worse if thats all you have.

Maybe sometimes I feel not so different from him (of course without all the money and the psychopathy lol)

  • Horseloverfat@lemmy.ml
    2 days ago

    Honestly I get curious about why you think you should hate him.

    I think there’s this prevalent largely unconscious idea that hating the bourgeois does something to them. That somehow by hating them we’re subty changing the world for the better, we’re making them less likely to exist.

    It’s magical thinking. Sure the hatred they receive might be slightly damaging to them, but not in a way that damages their power or effect. If anything it pushes them to lean further into their power.

    I think pity is actually a more reasonable and healthy emotion to have. Hate is tied up in envy and ultimately a disbelief in the power they hold over us to be shifted.

    Pity is reasonable. As cartoonish as Mr. Burns is, I feel like most of the ultra-wealthy are equally cartoonish and often more clearly miserable and worthy of our pity.