• eddie_of_ny@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    And how many more committed suicide during lock downs? How many children’s learning was negatively affect by distance learning? How many developed eye-strain staring at screens all day? How many who were going to die anyways had to die alone cuz of social distancing? And you can look up for yourself the developmental issues masking had on children, who rely on facial recognition to learn how to function in the world and communicate with others.

    And all those who died of covid were likely going to die of covid no matter what because they had comorbities, were elderly, or were obese and no amount of masking, vaxxing, or distancing was going to stop it because none of those things have been shown to stop the spread of the virus anyways.

    Its clear you’ve spent the last 3 years with your head buried in the sand

    • BelieveRevolt [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      Do they have a right to live in a society that takes pandemics seriously so they don’t end up socially murdered?

      And all those who died of covid were likely going to die of covid no matter what

      Your answer to that question is no, apparently hitler-detector pigpoop

      • eddie_of_ny@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        Funny how you don’t have a real rebuttal so you’ve resorted to childish drawings of pig shit

        • abraxas@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          Honestly, as the idiot who did give you a real rebuttal, I think he was the smart one to send you the pig shit picture.

          Your argument literally included “having to wear a mask that gets my face a little sweaty” as fascism, and “eye strain” as a response to mass deaths.

          • eddie_of_ny@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            “having to wear a mask that gets my face a little sweaty” as fascism, and “eye strain” as a response to mass deaths.

            Cherry picked and taken out of context

            • abraxas@lemmy.ml
              1 year ago

              I would say it is quite clearly the most direct context. If I’d written this post now, I’d also point out the quackjobs that you blindly believe and the fact that you’re taking fairly defensible references that cite their research and calling them fake news.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
              1 year ago

              Nope, the only reason I won’t give one is because it would be a complete waste of time. The fact that you think you’ve made sound arguments here clearly demonstrates that there’s no value in trying to have a discussion with you.

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
                  1 year ago

                  People addressed your nonsense in this thread, but evidently you lack basic reading comprehension necessary to understand what people are telling you. Arguing with you is akin to trying to explain quantum mechanics to a squirrel.

    • abraxas@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      And how many more committed suicide during lock downs?

      Suicide rates go down during national emergencies. COVID-19 was no exception. Certain categories increased, but overall suicide rates went down due to COVID, not up.

      How many children’s learning was negatively affect by distance learning? How many developed eye-strain staring at screens all day?

      You’re right. Eye strain is definitely more important than millions of deaths.

      How many who were going to die anyways had to die alone cuz of social distancing? And

      This was the proper response by hospitals using their expertise, not something Biden demanded. Now you’re literally complaining about the effect of a global pandemic, not a country’s response to it.

      And you can look up for yourself the developmental issues masking had on children, who rely on facial recognition to learn how to function in the world and communicate with others.

      Sure, and also the children of mothers who caught COVID. When schools reopened, COVID spread like wildfire and caused just as many educational and developmental delays as entire classes were stuck at home sick. Consistently, your replies are acting like everything this pandemic did can be laid at the feet of the government that tried to respond to it, as if “no response” would mean nobody would have gotten sick, that the medical establishments (that supported government response) would have done things more to your liking.

      I want to make crystal clear, COVID terrified the experts worse than it terrified the government. Those of us with advanced warning had stocked pantries before the lockdown was even someone’s bright idea.

      And all those who died of covid were likely going to die of covid no matter what because they had comorbities, were elderly, or were obese and no amount of masking, vaxxing, or distancing was going to stop it because none of those things have been shown to stop the spread of the virus anyways.

      This is filled with lies. You realize “obese” starts at a few pounds overweight, and obese people don’t deserve to die either.

      And you say masks weren’t effective? Studies showed community mask usage caused a 70% drop in spread.. And that’s just paper/cloth masks, the weakest mask you can get. If we had enough N95’s for everyone and people didn’t throw fucking “let’s spread COVID parties” (yes, they actually fucking did), then the death toll would have been far lower. No, YOU wearing a mask isn’t going to stop YOU from getting COVID. Everyone around you wearing a mask is going to stop you from getting COVID. If you don’t think that’s a good reason to wear a mask, you’re a selfish prick.

      vaxxing, or distancing was going to stop it because none of those things have been shown to stop the spread of the virus anyways.

      Natural immunity didn’t happen; by the 6 month mark most COVID patients have little protection against reinfection. Terrifyingly, people are just not keeping immunity to COVID. SOMETHING stopped the spread of the virus. And it wasn’t something natural. Had no action been taken, COVID would have as many cases and casualties now as it did in 2020. Vaccines pushed the immunity rate to the magic 97% mark, where “herd immunity” starts to overcome the spread rate. Of course, now that people aren’t getting boosters, the spread rate is going up. Luckily the new mutations don’t spread as well as the original.

      Its clear you’ve spent the last 3 years with your head buried in the sand

      Would you have the balls to tell that to specialists who specialize in pandemic response? Prove you’re not a troll, and admit that if the supermajority of actual experts disagree with you, maybe you’re the one in the wrong.

      • eddie_of_ny@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        I love how people keep falling back on “but this is shat the experts say” as if the “experts” don’t have monetary incentives to lie to the public. And when other experts like Dr. Malone came out and presented a different side of the story, they were dismissed entirely. Also, both of your sources are from the CDC, another one of those institutions that has monetary (as well as other) incentives to lie to the public. As I’ve said before, if you’re not willing to look past the most basic sources, sources like the CDC website, CNN, so on and so forth, don’t try to present these numbers to me as if they mean anything cuz there is KO way they aren’t doctored in way or another, and there are plenty of other publications out there that show completely different statistics. Natural immunity has been shown to be FAR better than VAX immunity, and aside from the I’m mill compromised, for whose these measures should definitely exist, the rest of us would have been better off simply catching it, beating it, and getting on with our lives. Viruses are going to spread no matter what, we don’t get to live in bubbles where nothing bad ever happens to us

        • abraxas@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          Here’s your tinfoil hat. Cure for COVID, alien mind control, AND for intelligence.

          other experts like Dr. Malone

          A footnote reference in some early mRNA papers. And he wasn’t dismissed for his professional opinions, but for his embrace of full-on conspiracy theories. Then, he promoted hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin after we had conclusive information that it definitely was doing nothing but harm. He claimed without evidence (and known to be false) that the vaccines were causing AIDS!

          Show me, show me everyone who got AIDS from the COVID vaccine, please do.

          Also, both of your sources are from the CDC, another one of those institutions that has monetary (as well as other) incentives to lie to the public

          But the guy who ran a large pharmaceutical company that was pitching a blend of famotidine and hydroxychloroquine as a cure for COVID is A-O-K in your book and should be trusted without question?

          Understand. The people who are discredited over COVID are not discredited for holding controversial professional views, but for going batshit fucking insane across the board. And what few “controversial professional views” they held were so over the top we know have demonstration about their falsehood. There were 12.7 billion pfizer vaccines, but no increase in AIDS whatsoever.

          don’t try to present these numbers to me as if they mean anything

          I’m quickly learning that facts and truth don’t mean nearly as much as things that agree with your worldview. I see you going all alt-right in other threads. You’re just trolling, and looking like an ass. Do you enjoy embarrassing yourself?

          Natural immunity has been shown to be FAR better than VAX immunity… for whose these measures should definitely exist

          Since your measurement for a authoritative source is whether it agrees with you, IF you were wrong (you are), what kind of evidence would convince you?

          I have numbers from studies ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9828372/) that put vaccine immunity about equal to natural immunity (depending on the specific vaccine), except that boosters are safer than catching COVID again and hybrid immunity (if you do catch COVID and are also vaccinated before or after) is itself much more effective than either alone.

          More importantly (same ref), the vaccine is more effective than natural immunity for the severe cases of COVID that lead to hospitalization and death. A vaccinated populace will not crush the hospital and funerary systems like we experienced in 2020. An unvaccinated populace still can.

          Viruses are going to spread no matter what, we don’t get to live in bubbles where nothing bad ever happens to us

          Correct. Have you always been actively antivax? Got kids? Were they vaccined for smallpox? Measles? You know we basically eradicated most of those illnesses up until the antivax movement got reinvigorated by the COVID crazies?

          • eddie_of_ny@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            Here’s your tinfoil hat.

            Thanks, it’s quite comfy

            hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin

            These have been shown to be effective against covid as part of a larger treatment plan. No one was telling people to go buy ivermectin at the feed store. Btw, the ivermectin is FDA approved for human use as an antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial. It’s on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, and I even remember a video that made the rounds a couple of years ago where Dr. Fauci himself let slip that ivermectin is part of an effective treatment against covid.

            The people who are discredited over COVID are not discredited for holding controversial professional views, but for going batshit fucking insane across the board.

            Down right false.

            You’re just trolling


            Do you enjoy embarrassing yourself?


            I have numbers

            …from the NIH, the organization Dr. Fauci, with all his monetary incentives to push the vax, is in charge of. Nice try glowie

            we basically eradicated most of those illnesses

            Yeah, with traditional vaccines that have years or even decades of long-term safety data, not with mRNA gene therapies that have only been around for 3 years.

            It’s funny cuz when Trump first started Operation Warpspeed and was talking about how he was pushing the vax through with all the FDA tests, I seem to remember all the lefties being against it. But the moment it became Biden’s vaccine, all this sketchy stuff was suddenly fine