Billionaire Leon Cooperman was on the verge of tears while speaking about his concern about “the lefties” and their progressive outlook on capitalism.

“I’ve lived the American dream. I’m trying to convince people like [Senators] Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and AOC (Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)—don’t move away from capitalism. Capitalism is the best system,” Cooperman said on CNBC’s Squawk Box on Friday while holding back tears. “I get choked up when I talk about it because basically, my father came to America at the age of 12 as a plumber’s apprentice. No education.”

“I went to public school in the Bronx, high school in the Bronx, college in the Bronx. I started my career in Wall Street the day after I got my MBA from Columbia. I had no money. I couldn’t afford a vacation. I made a lot of money. I’m giving it all back,” Cooperman said before co-anchor Rebecca Quick stepped in as he choked up.

“Giving it all back?” Give me a fucking break, asshole.

    10 months ago

    Say what you will, but the countries with a good balance of socialist and capitalist policies are still on the top of every list, from happiness to life expectancy, to income equality to health to education, etc.

    You can say what you want about Canada and Sweden, but when compared to the US’ far more “anarchist” approach, both have far longer life spans and higher rates of health than the US does.

    As you use very ambiguous terms like Bookchinite, and confederalist which are open to massive amounts of interpretation, it’s not really clear what you are proposing (government is a form of confederation, after all). But I suppose you are hinting at being a Libertarian Socialist. It’s a view which I am very sympathetic to, but one in which the upheaval needed to implement would end us up back at some form of fascism, similar to the previous attempts at communism. I would love to see such a system someday, but I think the only way it could ever come about is by starting from social democracy and gradually working towards it. It could likely take centuries.

    Social democracy is the best system we have managed to date by just about any yardstick we have for measurement. That’s not to say it’s perfect, I can imagine many types of organizational systems which could be considered far superior should we actually be able to implement them correctly, but unfortunatley human nature is a massive blocking point to so many things, and the tendency is always towards some form of fascism if things become unstable. So IMO, we have to first get as much of the world onto the “Scandanavian model” of stable social democracy with good rule of law, and then work from that point of stability to something even better (I’m a fan of UBI personally as it’s far easier to implement than any sort of system which gets rid of property rights and achieves much the same thing when widely implemented).

    • TokenBoomer
      10 months ago

      You have such a limited understanding of everything you profess to know about. It’s disheartening. Read Marx. Read Kropotkin. Read Lenin. Read Mao. These people aren’t the demons capitalist want you to see them as. They weren’t perfect either. But reading The NY Times, Washington Post, Forbes, and Wall Street Journal aren’t gonna give you the full understanding of economics. Socialism can work, but capitalism won’t let it.

        10 months ago

        Read my post. I never made any of them out to be demons. I’m pretty far left on the spectrum myself.

        My only argument with any of those philosophies is that they are so hard to implement in the world that we live in. That if we try, I don’t believe we will end up anywhere near what they wanted, and that we will end with something a lot worse than what we have now, something much more like fascism.

        History bears this out pretty well. Now I know you will say “but those weren’t real Marxist Leninist implementations”. No, but they espoused to be in the beginning and degraded into something pretty close to fascism.

        That is my concern. Not that I think the original ideas are evil incarnate.