What’s your most cruel prank so far?

Hi. Have you ever woken up just feeling malicious, with a mood of “Man, I just wish to ruin someone’s day for shits and giggles”? And what do you do in those situations?

I wonder, what’s the best, meanest, cruelest prank you pulled on your friends or foes so far.


    • Шуро@friends.deko.cloud
      16 days ago

      @drq My colleague suspected me immediately so I had to come clean :) The boss wasn’t interested as he had habit of blowing up at anyone he saw first no matter the situation and then forgetting (or “forgetting” and sending someone else to mend things he fucked up as people didn’t took it well - one time we almost lost our primary ISP as he managed to piss off all their managers because of major outage which wasn’t their fault even).