Hello everyone. Hope everyone has had a relaxing weekend. I have been hard at work doing a Fallout 4 playthrough on survival difficulty. Also been playing some EU4 on the side
I’m onto day 3 of disco elysium, just opened up the further areas of the coast. Enjoying it enough to keep going, want to see how the story goes.
Also I
got instakilled by reading the letter in the secret compartment of the case ledger lol
I’m getting me some Golden walnuts in Stardew Valley but I just saw someone on
say “spyro the dragon from skylanders” so I might just have a drink and stare into the void for a bit.
“spyro the dragon from skylanders”
Red Dead 2. I tied up the eugenics enthusiast and left him on some train tracks but got bored of waiting for a train so I fed him to an alligator lol
Got a nuclear reactor going in my Minecraft playthrough. Looking to get a big autonomous mining machine going so I can supply it with all the uranium it needs.
Been doing some WarThunder. Destroying American and Nazi tanks with Soviet tanks is quite satisfying.
Still playing through Dynasty Warriors Origins!
I roleplayed being a nubile gas station attendant at the Baccae ridge town refinery on Foxhole. just running around dodging multi-ton vehicles topping them off with diesel or petrol.
Im getting into Northgard (RTS/4X hybrid) with some buddies, and our first multiplayer games are next week. I’m trying to squeeze in at least 3–4 practice rounds before then. I played the game ages ago for a few hours, but Im rusty and not too familiar with the mechanics anymore.
Started playing digimon world 2003
i like it more than when i was a kid, back then i was disappointed that it wasn’t like digimon world 1Cassette Beasts, still. Slowed down on it, though. Approaching the end.
Been working of Metaphor ReFantanzio, and was gifted Cyberpunk 2077 by a friend at Christmas, so I’ve started that. Expectations are low for Cyberpunk, but I’m having fun with my ninja lady so far
Played a whole bunch of Brotato and finally finished the DLC. Kinda hope they don’t make another one because it was over 70 runs to do everything. Now onto the Vampire Survivors Castelvania DLC!
Still playing Final Fantasy XI. Unlocked my first advanced job today the Paladin, so I can tank while my npc companion heals and buffs me.
Emberward, Hunt Showdown (I’m not gonna finish the battlepass but still kinda wanna pay 10 bucks for post malone), been really busy so I haven’t had a chance to make it to any armories or jam any games on talishar, but I made it to the Hunted prerelease so glad I got to play some Fang games
Played some beamng, just trucking tho. I love taking those beasts