• Narauko@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    All great points and I don’t intend to get into any of the Israel/Palestine portion, but was interested in the statement that no ethnistate has a right to exist? Since there are many defacto ethnostates around the world, like Japan and China as easy examples, are you saying that these countries do not have a right to “exist” by setting immigration and other state policy to remain mostly homogeneous?

    If not, what authority exists to declare and further to enforce this non-right. Is this belief about ethnostates coming from a free movement viewpoint against national/international borders, or a viewpoint that any mono-ethnic state is inherently racist, or something else?

    I am not attempting to be contrarian or anything, I am genuinely interested in the thought process. I don’t think ethnostates are any kind of ideal or anything to aspire to, but also don’t see how I can say any other country doesn’t have a right to exist as the people of that country desire it to.

    • Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I agree that Japan and China certainly were in their imperial past, but not really now. Although to be clear, there is certainly still racism and xenophobia to various degrees. The main difference between a country that is largely a certain ethnicity and an Ethnostate is most fundamentally Supremacy. With that in mind, it’s clear how Israel, Nazi Germany, Apartheid South Africa, Imperial Japan, and Chattel Slavery America would all stand out as Ethnostates

      I am also a strong supporter of removing barriers to immigration globally and internationalism, but that’s separate from whether a country is an Ethnostate or not. Supremacy and dehumanization on a state level are key to that. ISIS and many Evangelical Christians in America also desire their own respective Ethnostates. People have a right to exist, the supremacy and dehumanization of an Ethnostate is directly at odds with that by way of ethnic cleansing.

      Supremacy is a better marker than say, Nationalism, because the nationalism of anti-colonialist movements are not the same as ones of colonialist movements.