• TooMuchDog@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    1 year ago

    I mean, sure. I know people who have used ChatGTP to write their discharges. It’ll definitely be tried as a crutch by the lazy in the short term, but I think it’ll end up being used as a actual tool in the long term (not just in medicine, but in a wide variety of fields). However, I also think that’s an entirely different discussion than the one this article presents. I think the conversation of how AI can be used as a tool to assist existing and future professionals is an entirely different conversation than wether or not AI is going to replace any given profession. I also think it’s a wildly more productive conversation because I don’t believe there are many professions that can be completely phased out by AI.

    I also think that the point you raised about codes is another entirely different discussion that could be had about the pitfalls of modern day medicine. I’m actually going to argue hard in favor of the doctors who told you to “choose whatever code is most appropriate” because in my experience and opinion, knowing specific billing codes is wildly outside the scope of knowledge needed and expected for a doctor. Their job should be first and foremost to treat their patients. Navigating the unnecessarily complicated and red tape filled maze that is billing and insurance codes is not only an unrelated skill set, but also a necessity brought out of a flawed and predatory system built by those who seek to profit at the cost of healthcare (i.e. insurance companies) rather than those who seek to make a living by providing healthcare.

    • d-RLY?@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      I mostly agree with you on the first paragraph. Though I would say that I am not so sure they won’t try to phase out plenty of professionals. All of these companies are freaking the fuck out and trying to just rush shit out at rates that are beyond problematic. All the VC’s and major tech companies are chasing the dragon of money and ignoring all the real issues that comes with normies thinking that shit is magic and accurate. Though I am also blaming the for-profit media of all types that are all about hyper-attention grabbing titles. Which does fill the gaps of normies thinking things are much further along than they are. So even if the devs make a point to say that things are not even fully in betas, we are seeing shit being pushed out like it is full release. We already saw how fast internet folks were able to turn old chatbots into outright Nazi sympathizers. There are already well equipped blackhats out there that are trying to take some of these models and remove protections. Though it is very fun to see the ways that how the more prankster folks are bypassing some things with just wording shit differently.

      I also agree that I want the healthcare system and insurance needs to be burned down and just moved to tax funded with lives being more important than any money. But the codes I was speaking of wasn’t billing codes. They are actual medical diagnostic codes. So it does kind of matter that things be correct in that element. As it implies that their diagnoses for patients are not based on knowing specifics. One wrong code could change what is being looked for and could be bad in wasting time. Though I will stress that it is likely to not matter for most common tests. So I yield to that in those situations.

      Overall I do want to again say that I think we may agree more than my initial reply might sound (or even this one). I just think that we can’t keep the constant hype-trains running so hard all the time as if things are going to work. We are being charged more for less finished products. And we are seeing the beginnings of mass reductions in workforces as the corpo leaders just think that we aren’t needed anymore. But that could work in favor of a worker’s revolution if leftists really start going hard for catching those impacted before they fall into reactionary hands and fascism takes over again. But I don’t wish for so many to suffer more than they have already.

      • TooMuchDog@lemmy.fmhy.ml
        1 year ago

        Yeah, I think we overall are on the same page in regards to the role AI is going to play in our futures and the consequences that could come with the greed of bad actors. (Though I have to say I really hate the word “normie”. I feel the use of it instantly weakens an argument because it’s so associated with the stereotype of a basement dwelling know-it-all.)

        I am going to stand my ground somewhat on the point of medical codes, not as an attempt to be adversarial though but because I’m enjoying the conversation.

        I admittedly don’t know much about how it works in the human medical world because I’m in veterinary medicine. In my experience though there isn’t a difference between billing codes and test order codes from a clinicians perspective. I order a test, and to do so I have to put in a code that tells the software we use both what the test is and how much it costs, and then both applies it to the bill and sends a request to clin path, which is why I just referred to them as billing codes. With our software (and all others that I’ve used for that matter) there are an unreasonable number of different codes that order tests that can differ very minimally, and they usually aren’t named clearly. I’m pretty sure this is because the people organizing and naming the tests are not clinicians, and possibly aren’t even medically trained as it’s more of an IT responsibility.

        For example, if I’m concerned about the function of a patients liver and kidneys, the I want a test that will tell me what their AST, ALP, GGT, Albumin, Cholesterol, Glucose, BUN, Creatinine, and SDMA are, or at least some relevant combination of those plus some others. The problem is that I don’t order a panel with a drop-down list of what values I want. Instead I have to choose from a Chemistry, Chem 6, Chem 8, Chem 10, Chem 12, Senior Panel, Adult Wellness Panel, Profile, Mini Profile, Full Profile, NOVA, NOVA lytes, etc. All of those have their own codes and their own names, and the same tests can differ based on if I’m ordering in house vs ordering from any of multiple external labs. I know exactly what values I want to see, but juggling the various different non-descript names of the dozens or more possible test options is a nightmare, and that’s just when dealing with lab work that I run routinely. When it comes to codes that I very rarely use, or have never had to order before, then the chances I get it wrong are much higher. The worst part is that many of the available options overlap significantly, and sometimes I can get the same diagnostic value out of several of the options, but for some reason one of the options costs $50 to run while another costs $300 and the rest fall somewhere in-between.

        Bottom line, knowing what I want and knowing how to ask for what I want are often very unrelated.