Hi there good folks! Trying to wrap my head around how this stack works. Previously I’ve been using NextDNS for this and it worked wonders. However, I’ve wanted to explore other options and have now gone with the Adguard+Unbound route on a RPI 4B.. This setup defo works, its blocking what I want blocked, but its created a new issue I’ve not had before. On my Graphene OS phone, as long as this setup is “active” (e.g. over Tailscale), all my notifications through various applications are getting delayed. Each notification come roughly 10 min late, if at all, or appear as soon as I open the corresponding app. I’m pretty sure this caused by either Adguard or Unbound but betting my money on Unbound - as I don’t see any relevant DNS queries being blocked.

I am still a little unsure of what is causing this issue so if anyone would be able to enlighten me on how I could troubleshoot this issue I would be very grateful.

  • hendrik@palaver.p3x.de
    4 months ago

    Sounds like you’re blocking the servers which are supposed to push the notifications to you?! I think that’s called Google Cloud Messaging.

    You’d need to figure out which blocklist you enabled that does this. And either disable it, or add an entry to your allowlist.

    Or do away with GCM and set up your own push provider like ntfy and additionally use apps from F-Droid that support this different push provider.

    Edit: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdguardForAndroid/issues/3486 and there are several other bugreports. Also make sure you’ve disabled battery optimization for the Unbound(?) app.