I don’t just mean outrage or regular rage, I mean shock that someone was to the left of “legal weed and free college but only for those that operate a successful business for 3 years in a disadvantaged community” top-cop takes.

I think federating took them by surprise, looking back. For about a week, those smug liberals were at a loss to even fathom what Hexbears were saying, and could only chant bullshit about how we’re Russian/Chinese bots.

Sure they still do that but they’ve slightly adapted to Hexbear presence.

  • Again, I think you mean Democracy within socialism, which is something we aim to protect. We do not throw away democracy.

    Okay so basically there are two kinds, these are based on dictatorships of class (not of people, dictatorships aren’t a good thing)

    Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie: the thing that ‘democracy’ is usually represented as. Its the UK, US, Germany, Russia, etc. These governments, although allow some form of popular democracy, are system established by and for the rich. Most people in the US would like a decrease of military spending to focus on infrastructure and free healthcare, so why don’t they implement it? Its not profitable to the class dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The profit motive is the main drive. Wars are terrible, no sane person wants one to happen, but to the large private war industries it is profitable, so they make sure we (all bourgeoisie dictatorships do this) is always instigating wars or inflaming conflicts. Purely for profit. We as workers have some sway over politics, but that is due to concessions and freedoms we forced out of them. It is in their eternal material interest to make the most money out of the lowest cost, by every underhanded tactic in the book.

    This is in direct contrast to the interests of the worker, who dare to want fulfilling lives and to have a state that gives according to need, and from everyone according to ability. Workers want things like Free Universal Education, Well built/maintained infrastructure, A good house, reliable source of food that is healthy and cheap, large working benefits, government safety nets, etc. A society that works on what is most effective possible, while favoring the living status of the worker. This is, again, in direct conflict with the profit motive and thus the interests of the bourgeoisie. Their efforts to suppress our self-determination and our efforts to draw concessions of power is basically what we define as Class War. Our democracies are that for the rich, who hold all the power and all the wings of government. Under Bourgeoisie Democracy, there will be this constant class war. We the worker are the oppressed, and the owning class are the oppressors.

    This is where the second Dictatorship of Class comes in handy. You see, what they’re afraid of is due to this fact: we don’t need them at all anymore, haven’t for hundreds of years, if ever. We know this clearly, and it terrifies them. A Dictatorship of the Proletariat is the inevitable result of this contradiction. To solve the Class war, we will use our own power (gained through the concessions to labor power), to win the war by hijacking the class dictatorship and flipping it. The State serves us, and so we are able to implement what is in our interests against theirs. We take their factories and office building, thus rendering them basically powerless. We have taken their tools and truly made it our own. We built the world, they did not, why should the capitalists run it? We can run the workplaces and co-operate for the common good of all. A human oriented society. That is the true democracy where change can be made. A democracy in politics, the community, and the workplace. A state that enforces our rights above that of property. There is a better world, it has been done, and we can have it in our lives.

    if thats not what you’re talking about, then idk have this okayish explanation of the class dictatorship