He’s got my vote
I’m not sure if you get the concept of dictatorship, but I guess I’ll vote for him too
In Tabbycatistan there is only one vote.
Chairman Meow
We are at war with the cat at number 23. We have always been at war with the cat at number 23.
The cleansing all other species start meow!
Fidel Catro
Pol Kat
Felin Castra(ted)
Somebody has to do a kitler version of this
Salesmen of north-eastern Pennsylvania, I ask you once more: Rise and be worthy of this historical hour! No revolution is worth anything unless it can defend itself!
“The dogs after the root of all evil! Cats are the natural rulers of the world!”
Dogs vs cat 3 leaked footage Going hard.
“What we need right now is a clear message to the human beings of this household! This message must be howled through every room, echoed in every hallway, this message must resound off every wall and ceiling! I want this home to realize that the food bowls are EMPTY! I want every man, woman, and child to understand that the water bowl is stale and still! I WANT EVERYONE TO REMEMBER TO CHANGE THE LITTERBOX!”