One of them Carpenter nerd types.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I pick up every call I’m aware of. Scammers, phishers, polls, and everything else. I love messing with people, and good luck with getting accurate poll results, I have a dice rolling app I use to answer the questions.

    It’s even on a schedule for me now. The ‘TV company’ scam calls around 5pm to try me out, polling places seem to be weekend exclusives, and rarely I’ll get a noonish jingle from some other random organization.

    About 40% of the scam calls automatically disconnect after 8 seconds, and the rest I get to play with.

  • I played the stock market game in grade school and noticed this one stock, BRKHA that was moving thousands of dollars daily (and was occasionally dipping into the hundreds). Considering the others would only move a fraction of a dollar daily it was a goal to get one share for the game. I did and ended up winning.

    I should have tried to pressure my parents into at least one share. By the time I was 18 it would have been worth 70k, and these days it’s up to… Nearly 700k per share.

    I would’ve likely sold it on my 18th birthday and been able to languish a bit longer than I did. All in all it wouldn’t have been worth doing.

  • Take away the pirates and they’ll have to pay!

    Or people will just not watch movies… Which is far far worse than the pirates as there will be no drive to watch new movies. Having viewers, even if they don’t pay immediately doesn’t mean those people won’t eventually become paying viewers. A non-viewer will never pay.

    I should also probably mention the last movie at a theater I went to see was ‘the boy and the heron’, and that was the last piece of movie media I’ve watched.

  • I’m on some total “different wavelength” from everycritter else and will clearly never be understood and when anyone tries to help or connect with me at all they get most everything wrong, sometimes insistently so.

    While it may take a long while of searching, I can say that there is someone out there with your wavelength. The ONLY reason I say this is because my sister, after 30+ years of searching for someone who could give her what she needed in a relationship finally found someone who was not only willing, but enthusiastic to be a part of her life in a big way. They are engaged and plan to be wed around this October.

    She didn’t go hunting on dating apps or social media… She did what she always did. Played games that have a strong social element, and wasn’t afraid to chat about herself directly, her issues, her wants, all of it. I used to call her the impossible girl because of how hopeful she remained after all that time. Most other people I know in that situation would feel hopeless but she kept it up and kept at it.

    That being said, I don’t know what’s right for you and yours, and I hope you’re able to find some solace in your situation.

  • I literally said I cannot force her to. I just made it an available option. Which she has thankfully taken. I’m hoping it will be enough to bring her back from the edge she has been on for the past month.

    I know another schizophrenic from work, and while it doesn’t affect him in exactly the same way it affects my wife, there are similarities. Much with anything person related, each one is different, if even just a bit. What’s severe for her might be minor to others, and what’s minor to her might be severe for others. In my wifes case, she starts this very slow spiral downwards as the voices increase in intensity, and beyond the paranoia stage for her is a complete cognitive collapse. We’ve been through that before and she was 302’d as a result.

    For my one coworker, the worst he seemed to get after being off his meds for 6ish months was just a loss in focus on work, but he was allllllll about exploring abandoned houses looking for antiques and sorting through his number of storage units to catalog and auction/sell his found trove. Still very functional, mind seemed all together.

  • Stressed the hell out. Mental illness issues ahead. If that is a problem for your mental state, please don’t read further.

    My wife is schizophrenic. She has been off her meds of her own volition for at least 6 months. The voices that manifest as part of her condition are in full force now and part of that was her thinking that no one needs to use money for credit cards anymore.

    I’ve spoken with her doctor, he has agreed to get her an emergency supply of the medication she was taking before… However she’s currently in a paranoid state of mind and fully believes she’s completely functional. She wants to divorce me for taking away the credit card that’s ‘totally free’ and at this point even though she clearly isn’t right in the head, she’s not wrong enough to be forced into a facility to help.

    The main problem is that she will likely not accept medication from me, I cannot force anything, and I can’t in good conscience just leave. So either she breaks more and proper intervention can begin, or she somehow cuts through the fog, voices, and her own concept of being ‘special’ to start taking the medication again.

    I’m stressed because while she cannot have me removed from the house by police order for anything I’ve actually done, there’s nothing stopping her from fabricating a story that might land me in a world of trouble.

    While her mind isnt right, it’s not completely wrong either. She’s still very intelligent and can connect some dots. It’s just sometimes those dots go way off course.

  • This remind me of those random flash… Let’s call them creations as they are neither games or animations specifically.

    It starts with 1 A and a wait time of thirty seconds, each time you press the big X, it adds an ‘A’, and increasingly multiplies the time. You end up with the AAAAAAAAAAAAA Game, and are waiting for hours.

    Does it do anything? No. It is vaguely humorous? Kinda?