USA: Sanctions and blockades Cuba
Cuba: Heavily injured but manages to improve
USA: Shoots a bazooka to its own foot (and the working class)
Cuba: 90% homeownership rate (2014) and 99.67% literacy rate (2021)
USA: 65.9% homeownership rate (2022) and 79% literacy rate (2022)
USA: See, muh socialism don’t work, 600 billion dead in gommunism, no ifone, no toothbrush
And the U$A has gone trillions of dollars into debt to make sure it doesn’t work.
The libs say that if Cuba needs to trade to be able to develop, that means socialism doesn’t work. They are completely brain dead and it’s a waste of time trying to explain anything to them.
Then why is the US deindustrializing and crumbling despite having the power to print the global reserve currency, export inflation across the world, and maintain a trade deficit with the rest of the world? Lol, libs are so brain rotten.